
楊雯雯研究員 研究成果

楊雯雯研究員 研究成果

期刊論文Journal articles
  1. 楊雯雯、吳慧敏、劉嘉玲、鄭國本、余明隆、蒲若芳、盧勝男、簡榮南(2023)。C型肝炎病毒抗體快篩試劑的運用。台灣公共衛生雜誌,42(6)594-611
  2. Wen-Wen Yang, Yi-Chen Juan, Grace Hui-Min Wu, Raoh-Fang Pwu. The Critical Intersect of Regulations, Health Technology Assessment, and Drug Safety Assessments. Drug Saf (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40264-023-01386-1
  1. Rong-Nan Chien, Sheng-Nan Lu, Grace Hui-Min Wu, Wen-Wen Yang, Raoh-Fang Pwu, Chia-Ling Liu, Kuo-Pen Cheng, Shih-Chung Chen, Chien-Jen Chen, Policy and Strategy for Hepatitis C Virus Elimination at the National Level: Experience in Taiwan, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Volume 228, Issue Supplement_3, 15 September 2023, Pages S180–S188, https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiad016
  2. 楊雯雯、劉嘉玲、吳慧敏、鄭國本、盧勝男、簡榮南、蒲若芳(2023)。推動消除C肝政策之回顧。台灣公共衛生雜誌,42(2),165-179。https://doi.org/10.6288/TJPH.202304_42(2).112006
  3. 楊雯雯、吳慧敏、盧勝男、劉嘉玲、鄭國本、蒲若芳(2022)。滾動調整2025年C肝消除治療目標數。台灣公共衛生雜誌,41(6),567-571。https://doi.org/10.6288/TJPH.202212_41(6).PF06
  4. 吳慧敏、楊雯雯、劉嘉玲、鄭國本、陳時中、陳建仁、蒲若芳(2021)。台灣2025年C肝消除的策略與進度。台灣公共衛生雜誌,40(1),1-4。https://doi.org/10.6288/TJPH.202102_40(1).PF01
  5. Grace Hui-Min Wu, Wen-Wen Yang, Chia-Ling Liu, Raoh-Fang Pwu, Rong-Nan Chien, Po-Chang Lee, Shih-Chung Chen, Ding-Shinn Chen, Sheng-Nan Lu. The epidemiological profile of chronic hepatitis C with advanced hepatic fibrosis regarding virus genotype in Taiwan: A nationwide study. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2021 Jul;120(7):1444-1451. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2021.01.005. Epub 2021 Jan 27. PMID: 33516585.
  6. Rong-Nan Chien, Sheng-Nan Lu, Raoh-Fang Pwu, Grace Hui-Min Wu, Wen-Wen Yang, Chia-Ling Liu. Taiwan accelerates its efforts to eliminate hepatitis C. Global Health & Medicine 2021 Oct 31;3(5):293-300. doi: 10.35772/ghm.2021.01064. PMID: 34782872; PMCID: PMC8562095.
  7. 劉嘉玲、楊雯雯、吳慧敏、鄭國本、蒲若芳(2019)。台灣C型肝炎消除的國家政策與軌跡。愛之關懷季刊,109,6-16。
  8. 楊雯雯、蒲若芳(2019)。從英國發展早期感知與預警系統的經驗為例,看台灣健康照護體系之應用。台灣公共衛生雜誌,38 (3), 236-251。https://doi.org/10.6288/TJPH.201906_38(3).107135
  9. David Hailey, Sophie Werkö, Måns Rosén, Karen Macpherson, Susan Myles, Verónica Gallegos Rivero, Cecilia Hipólito-Olivares, Sinikka Sihvo, Jasmine Pwu, Wen-Wen Yang, Yong-Chen Chen, Ana Perez Galán, Alicia Aleman and Elena Villamil. (2016). Influence of Health Technology Assessment and Its Measurement. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 32(6), 376–384. PMID: 28124969. (SCI)
  10. 楊雯雯(2010)。問一個可回答的問題。護理雜誌,57(6),89-96。PMID: 21140349 (other)

專書/專書篇章Book Chapter(s)
  1. 蒲若芳、楊雯雯、吳慧敏。追求分配正義建立臺灣NICE。載於黃煌雄、江東亮(主編), 第三波健保改革之路(頁137-164),2020年。台北市:遠見天下文化。ISBN:9789864799398
  2. 楊雯雯。護理資訊應用的倫理與法規。載於李亭亭、劉建財、李作英、楊雯雯、林怡君、許巧玲、涂明香、賴才雅、叢培瓏、張明利、侯宜菁、洪麗娟(作者),護理資訊、2020年。台北市:華杏出版股份有限公司。ISBN: 978986194564
技術報告及其他Technical Reports and Others
  1. 陳冠如、洪瑜黛、楊雯雯、洪春旬、伍雪苹編輯(2023)。罕見疾病創新治療及藥物給付政策建言書(計畫總主持人:蔡輔仁;共同主持人:曾敏傑、蒲若芳、楊銘欽)。財團法人罕見疾病基金會。https://www.tfrd.org.tw/tfrd/assets/uploads/library_b1/66/tfrd_20231109142545.pdf
  2. 楊雯雯(2019)。再談早期感知與預警系統. 社團法人台灣藥物經濟暨效果研究學會會訊 3。https://www.taspor.org.tw/epaper_02.php?id=42.
  3. 國家消除C肝政策綱領編輯團隊(蒲若芳、吳慧敏、楊雯雯、劉嘉玲)(2019)。國家消除C肝政策綱領2018-2025。衛生福利部。ISBN/ISSN:9789860590562
  4. Pei-Chun Chiang, Wen-Wen Yang. (2016). The Expenditure and Reimbursement of Orphan Drug in Taiwan: Challenges and Opportunities. ISPOR 21st Annual International Meeting, Washington DC, USA. (poster, PSY82; Value in Health, Volume 19, Issue 3, Page A287)
  5. Wen-Wen Yang, Shiuan-Ru Chen, Yu-Chiao Wang, Raoh-Fang Pwu. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of tyrosine kinase inhibitors for chronic myeloid leukemia. The 4th HTAsiaLink Annual Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (oral presentation: Best Podium Presentation in Health System Research)
  6. 楊雯雯(2015)。第一類新藥健保給付建議案相對療效執行方法與經驗分享。當代醫藥法規月刊。51,11-17。(other)
  7. Wen-Wen Yang, Po-Ching Lo, Yu-Chiao Wang, and Raoh-Fang Pwu. (2014). Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the current reimbursed stents for lower extremity arterial disease in Taiwan. The 3rd ISEHC (International Society of Evidence-Based Healthcare) Conference. Taipei, Taiwan. (poster, PSJ-099)
  8. Wen-Wen Yang, Po-Ching Lo, Yu-Chiao Wang, Raoh-Fang Pwu. (2014). Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the current reimbursed stents for lower extremity arterial disease in Taiwan. The 3th HTAsiaLink Annual Conference, Beijing, China. (oral presentation: Best Presentation Award in Economic Evaluations)
  9. 楊雯雯、陳詠宸、吳慧敏(2013)。醫療科技評估系統性文獻回顧執行方法建議。當代醫藥法規月刊。32,1-21。(other)
  10. 楊雯雯、蒲若芳(2013)。國際執行風險分攤機制的經驗。當代醫藥法規月刊。29, 1-20。(other)
  11. Wen-Wen Yang, Yu-chiao Wang, Raoh-Fang Pwu. (2012). The Utilization and Expenditure of Reimbursed Digestive Enzyme Agents in Taiwan. ISPOR 5th Asia-pacific Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (poster, PHP30)
  12. Yu-Ting Kung, Wen-Yi Shau, Wen-Wen Yang, Jung-Chun Wang. (2012). Submission of New Drug Reimbursement and Pricing Applications to National Health Insurance (NHI) of Taiwan, Meeting Outcomes of the Drug Benefit Committee. ISPOR 5th Asia-pacific Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. (poster, PHP74)
  13. 楊雯雯、蒲若芳(2012)。罕見疾病用藥在澳洲醫療體系的收載現況。當代醫藥法規月刊,19,6-21。(other)
  14. 楊雯雯(2011)。第三屆亞洲華夏藥物經濟學及衛生科技評估論壇紀實(下)。當代醫藥法規月刊,9,8-38。(other)
  15. 楊雯雯(2011)。第三屆亞洲華夏藥物經濟學及衛生科技評估論壇紀實(上)。當代醫藥法規月刊,8,19-27。(other)
  16. 楊雯雯(2011)。國際風險分攤計畫實行現況 當代醫藥法規月刊,6,1-9。(other)
  17. Yen-Chen Chen, Wen-Wen Yang, Hung-Wen Chiu. Artificial Neural Network Prediction for Cancer Survival Time by Gene Expression Data. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, 11-13 June, iCBBE 2009:1-4.(EI)
  18. Ruey-Ling Yeh, Ching Liu, Ben-Chang Shia, I-Jen Chiang, Wen-Wen Yang, Ginni Hsiang-Chun Tsai: Semantic Based Real-Time Clustering for PubMed Literatures. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Discovery Science, DS 2007, LNSC, 4755: 291-295, Springer Press.(EI)
  19. Wen-Wen Yang, I-Jen Chiang, Ruey-Ling Yeh, and Hsiang-Chun Tsai, Combinatorial Topology-based Semantic Clustering Applied to PubMed, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Kumamoto, Japan, September, 5-7, 2007.(EI)